Wealthy Affiliate Review

2023 Wealthy Affiliate Review
All You Need To Know About The Training, Resources, Support
& How You Can Earn Money As A Free Member.

Welcome to my website. My name’s Richard, and I’ve made this Wealthy Affiliate review as detailed and informative as possible so that I can give you a lot more than just the ‘bare bones’ that you’ll find in most of them that are out there on Google. Hopefully I’ll achieve this without confusing the hell out of you!

Wealthy Affiliate Review - The Author, Richard

I will show you all the training, resources and support available to you, as well as the different ways you can make money with Wealthy Affiliate alongside it’s ‘core’ purpose of online Affiliate Marketing.

I have been self-employed – both part time and full time – since 2004 and I have made many mistakes and fallen for a few scams along the way, so I want to help you to avoid some of the trips and traps I’ve fallen into over the years.

I will try to answer any questions you may have so that you can make an informed decision about whether Wealthy Affiliate fits in with what you’re looking for.

Before I joined Wealthy Affiliate, I had absolutely no idea about online affiliate marketing or how to write a blog post, and I didn’t believe I could build a website in a million years!

So, if you’re as ‘green’ as I was back then, don’t worry! It’s a lot simpler than you think!


So, What Exactly Is Wealthy Affiliate?

Wealthy Affiliate is the World’s #1 blogging & online marketing training platform.

Wealthy Affiliate Review - Transform Your Ideas Into Profit Showing Icons Representing Various Niches

In a Nutshell, Wealthy Affiliate is a ‘one stop shop’ website building, hosting and publishing platform specifically geared towards ‘net newbies’ which will give you all the skills, resources and support you need to start, manage and grow a successful online marketing business or create a dynamic online presence for a conventional ‘bricks and mortar’ business.

It’s purpose is to teach you – whatever your experience, background or current skill level – how to use the internet to generate multiple passive income streams with the most up to date and relevant blogging and online marketing techniques and the latest cutting-edge technology, taking you to full self-empowerment, rather than just self-employment.

Wealthy Affiliate Review - Proven Strategies To Attract Loads Of Traffic
No Credit Card, No Upsells…..That Was A First!

When I saw that I could join Wealthy Affiliate for free with no obligation, that proved to me that it is 100% legit and not just another scam like I’d fallen prey to over the years.

There’s no catch here. You can take advantage of Wealthy Affiliate’s Free Membership and get instant access to 2 Entry Level training courses to help you to build the foundation of your own work from home anytime anywhere business, with no obligation to upgrade to paid membership if you don’t wish to.

Wealthy Affiliate Review - Endless Opportunity Zero Risk

Who Is Wealthy Affiliate For?

Wealthy Affiliate is primarily for people who want to work from home and make money online with Affiliate Marketing, regardless of prior experience.

However, it has many other uses for many different people, such as:

  • Established online business owners who want to take advantage of the best managed web hosting available.
  • ‘Bricks and mortar’ business owners who want to build an online presence.
  • Network Marketers who want to expand their means of lead generation and build additional non-MLM income streams alongside their Primary Business.
  • Webmasters who want to offer their services to local businesses to help them to build and develop their online presence and marketing campaigns.
  • Freelance Writers who like to earn money by guest posting on other peoples blogs.

Wealthy Affiliate Review - People From Many Different Backgrounds In Wealthy Affiliate

Before I go into the nuts and bolts of my review, I want to give you a brief statistical overview along with my own ratings based on my own experiences as a Member.

Wealthy Affiliate Overview

Wealthy Affiliate (Niche Marketing Inc.)
Address: Box 18 2354 Millstream Road, Victoria, British Colombia, Canada, VB9 6L2
Owners: Kyle Loudoun and Carson Lim
Year Founded: 2005
Membership: Over 2.5 million Worldwide
Website URL: www.wealthyaffiliate.com
Training: 9.5
Support: 10
Website Building Platform: 9.5
Wordpress Hosting: 10
Research Tools: 9.5
Success Stories: 9.5
Membership Price:
Starter Membership: FREE
Premium Membership: Monthly US$49 / Annual $497 ($91 saving)
Premium Plus Membership: Monthly US$99 / Annual $697 ($491 saving)
My Over All Rating: 9.5/10 – OUTSTANDING

Introducing Kyle & Carson
The Owners & Co-Founders Of Wealthy Affiliate

Kyle is the ‘public face’, if you like, of Wealthy Affiliate. He is a highly experienced and accomplished online marketer and he will be taking you through the training modules as you watch over his shoulder in the step by step intuitive videos.

Wealthy Affiliate Review - Owner & Co-Founder, Kyle Loudoun With His Wife & Young Daughter

Carson’s background is computer science and he is the brains behind the awesome technology that is Wealthy Affiliate. He is more ‘behind the scenes’ striving to keep Wealthy Affiliate at the pinnacle of technical excellence. He will happily help you with any technical issues you may experience at any time.

Wealthy Affiliate Review - Owner & Co-Founder Carson Lim With His Wife, Young Son & Baby Daughter

Both Kyle and Carson are directly accessible through the Wealthy Affiliate messaging and chat systems.

The Pros And Cons Of Wealthy Affiliate


Pro’sPro #1  Simple to follow, step by step intuitive training designed with the ‘newbie’ in mind.
Pro #2  All in one robust website building, management, hosting & domain registration.
Pro #3  24/7 Expert support and super fast response times.
Pro #4  Direct access to the Owners.
Pro #5  Free membership.
Pro #5  No annoying upsells.
Pro #6  Choice of direction for Members.
Pro #7  Own affiliate program with excellent commission rates.
Pro #8  Free Members can earn commission within the WA affiliate program.
Pro #9  Training has relevance and benefit beyond affiliate marketing.


Con #1 Sheer volume of information can appear a little overwhelming for newbies.
Con #2 Easy to get sucked into the ‘social’ side of the Community forum.
Con #3 Anyone can contribute to Community discussions regardless of experience so occasionally answers to some questions may be inaccurate or confusing, however well-intended.

What I found very refreshing is that the biggest critics of Wealthy Affiliate are actually Kyle and Carson themselves – fact.

They are the first ones to acknowledge that the system is not perfect – and let’s be honest, no system is perfect – and they are both constantly striving to improve the User experience and give us Members the best they can.

When all is said and done, it is not the amount or the quality of the training and support that’s going to cut it. It’s what you do with it that matters.

There is some negative commentary out there, but it has to be said that there is often an agenda behind it. To be blunt, the bulk of the gripes come from people in the following categories:

Wealthy Affiliate Review - 90 Day 'Think About It' Program

  • Former Members who joined with unrealistic expectations of being millionaires in a few months. They may have dabbled but they were not persistent and consistent with the training. Some may never have actually started it in the first place. We get ’em all!
  • Then there are those who’ve never actually been involved with Wealthy Affiliate who find it easier to trash the competition than to talk positively about the supposed benefits of whatever products or services they may be offering. Many of these self-styled ‘experts’ do not do any prior due diligence before hammering their keyboards and frequently just copy and paste from each other’s blogs.

Negative psychology is usually easy to spot, however, and thankfully such people are in a minority.

Is Wealthy Affiliate A ‘Get-Rich-Quick’ Scheme?

NO! Wealthy Affiliate absolutely is NOT a Get Rich Quick Scheme. It Is A SYSTEM, And As Such It Works If YOU Do!

Wealthy Affiliate Review - There Are No Shortcuts On The Road To Success

Many online business opportunities, especially in the Network Marketing space, try to pull you in by focusing you on the end result – ‘the dream’ – rather than what it takes to get there, usually with lots of cheesy pictures of beautiful people standing next to sports cars on the driveways of huge mansions or sipping cocktails by the pool.

Wealthy Affiliate, on the other hand, are very up front about the focus, patience, persistence and effort you will need to put in to build yourself a successful online business. For those who stick with it, the results are evident in the many success stories of our Members.

Almost all the successful people in Wealthy Affiliate started out working it part-time around existing job or family commitments, using the same 24 hours a day that are available to you and me.

They simply know how to use what time they have productively and efficiently, and they understand that the only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.

Wealthy Affiliate Review - Just Do It Nothing Is Impossible

A Simple System To Help You Stay Ahead Of The Game

Learning what works today and will work tomorrow are key to your success in the affiliate marketing space. At Wealthy Affiliate you will get the most relevant and up to date training available, with new resources being added in the ever evolving online World.

There is a clearly defined 4 step process to building an online affiliate marketing business which anyone can follow regardless of experience, age, background, gender, religion, or location in the World. The Internet is the ultimate ‘leveler’ and success does not discriminate!

Wealthy Affiliate Review - 4 Step Process Of Affiliate Marketing 1. Choose An Interest, 2. Build A Website, 3. Attract Visitors, 4. Earn Revenue.

The most obvious and most effective thing to do when choosing your ‘niche’ is to pick something you are passionate about, such as a favourite hobby.

To date, there are around 750,000 affiliate programs offering around 500 million products online. With a little diligence you could find one that resonates with you and monetize it with Wealthy Affiliate.

If you’re stuck for ideas, don’t worry. Wealthy Affiliate will help you choose your direction from from one of the million plus niches out there.

Wealthy Affiliate Training – Step By Step & Easy To Follow

Wealthy Affiliate Review - WA Education, It's Simple, Our Training Works

There are two separate task based courses in which the lessons are a mix of text and video tutorials, where Kyle gives you an over the shoulder walk through of everything involved. You can do either of these or both of them in whichever order you like. These are the:

  • Online Entrepreneur Certification (50 Lessons)
  • Affiliate Bootcamp Training (70 Lessons)

In addition, there are:

  • Live Training Classes (all recorded if you can’t make it live)
    • Premium Members: 1 Weekly (Normally Friday)
    • Premium Plus Members: 1 Daily (Monday – Friday)
    • Free Starter Members: 4 recorded classes with Kyle, additonal to Phase 1 of the OEC & Affiliate Bootcamp Trainings.

Let’s look at each of these in turn:

Wealthy Affiliate Online Entrepreneur Certification Training

Wealthy Affiliate Review - Modules Contained In The Online Entrepreneur Certification Course

The Online Entrepreneur Certification Course consists of 5 Phases and walks you through the process of creating and growing a business in any niche you like.

IMPORTANT! I recommend you start with the OEC, rather than the Bootcamp, especially if you are completely new to online marketing.

Phase 1 – Getting Started (Free, Premium & Premium Plus Members)
Phase 2 – Building Your Own Traffic Producing Website (Premium & Premium Plus Members)
Phase 3 – Making Money (Premium & Premium Plus Members)
Phase 4 – Mastering Social Engagement (Premium & Premium Plus Members)
Phase 5 – Achieving Maximum Success Through Content Creation (Premium & Premium Plus Members)

Here Is A Breakdown Of Phase 1 Of The OEC,
Which You Will Get
As A Free Starter Member

Lesson 1 – Getting Rolling
Lesson 2 –
Understanding How To Make Money Online
Lesson 3 –
Choosing Your Niche
Lesson 4 –
Building Your Own Niche Website

Here’s What Our Members Say About The OEC

Wealthy Affiliate Review - 2 Members Give A 10/10 Review Of The Online Entrepreneur Certification Training

The Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp Training

The Affiliate Bootcamp Training consists of 7 Phases, which takes you through the process of creating and growing a business by promoting Wealthy Affiliate.

Phase 1 – Getting Your Business Rolling (Free, Premium & Premium Plus Members)
Phase 2 – Content, Keywords And Conversions (Premium & Premium Plus Members)
Phase 3 – Giving Your Site Social Value (Premium & Premium Plus Members)
Phase 4 – Get Visual, Get Aesthetic, Build A Brand Through Media (Premium & Premium Plus Members)
Phase 5 – Knowing Your Audience And Catapulting Your Referals (Premium & Premium Plus Members)
Phase 6 – Bing, Yahoo And The Power Of PPC (Premium & Premium Plus Members)
Phase 7 – How To Scale Successful PPC Campaigns (Premium & Premium Plus Members)

Building On what You Learn In Phase 1 Of The OEC,
Here Is A Breakdown Of Phase 1 Of The Affiliate Bootcamp
Which You Will Get As A Free Starter Member

Lesson 1 – Add Your Affiliate Goals In Terms Of Referrals # To The Disucssion
Lesson 2 – Comment On At Least 2 Other People’s Goals
Lesson 3 – Tell Us If You Plan On Making It To The Las Vegas Conference (held annually)
Lesson 4 – Watch The WA Affiliate Program Walk-Through Video

IMPORTANT (again!) I’ll reiterate here about why I believe you should do the OEC first even if you are already experienced at making money online. It proves – both to you and to anyone you may introduce to Wealthy Affiliate later on – that you are not limited to making money with Weatlhy Affiliate just by promoting Wealthy Affiliate.

IMHO, that’s what makes Weatlhy Affiliate stand out as 100% legit. It is only my personal opinion, though, so feel free to ignore me and do your own thing if you wish!

Here’s What Our Members Say About The Bootcamp

Wealthy Affiliate Review - 2 Members Give A 10 Out Of 10 Review Of The Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp Training Course.

Live Training Classes At Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate Review - Jay, The Live Training Coach

Jay is the Training Chief and runs the weekly live, interactive training classes. He is a real font of knowledge and wisdom on anything to do with affiliate marketing and building cash generating websites. His relaxed and easy to follow style of delivery have helped countless Community Members over the years.

The classes generally last just over an hour and include a live Q&A session with Jay at the end. They are all archived so you can access them 24/7 if you were unable to catch them live.

Here’s A Screenshot Of Some Recent Wealthy Affiliate Live Trainings

Wealthy Affiliate Review - Examples Of Wealthy Affiliate Daily And Weekly Live Training Classes

Wealthy Affiliate Tools

There are a number of tools available within Wealthy Affiliate to help you to build and grow your business:

  • Niche Finder Tool
  • Affiliate Program Search Platform
  • SiteRubix Website Platform
  • Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool

Let’s look at each of these in turn.

The Wealthy Affiliate Niche Finder Tool

When you first come into the World of online affiliate marketing, it’s unlikely you’ll have much idea of how develop a ‘niche’ – or Target Audience – for your products and services.

In the example shown in the screenshot below, I typed ‘Whisky’ into the Search Bar of the Niche Finder tool and, as you can see, it returned a number of ideas for me to narrow down my niche. Each of those ‘sub-niches’ can then be further narrowed down again and again to enable you to ‘laser target’ your audience and increase your chance of sales. The ‘Find A Brand’ function will throw up Domain name suggestions based on those sub-niches for your website.

Wealthy Affiliate Review - The Wealthy Affiliate Niche Finder Tool

Free Starter Members: 10 Searches
Premium Members: 50 Searches
Premium Plus Members: 100 Searches

An Industry First – Wealthy Affiliate’s Unique
Affiliate Program Search Platform

Wealthy Affiliate recognize that finding yourself the right affiliate program among the thousands scattered all over the Internet can be quite challenging even if you’ve got some experience, and it can be completely mind-boggling if you’re a beginner!

That’s why they spent more than 2 years developing an environment for you to search for high quality, well managed affiliate programs that are right for YOU. This is a true ‘Industry First’.

Here are some of the features of the platform’s Search facility:

  • Availability in your Country
  • Commission Payout options (Bank Account, Paypal, etc)
  • Auto Approval (of Commissions)
  • Level of Commissions (the percentage of the sale that the Retailer gives to you)
  • Rating
  • Network Fee

Wealthy Affiliate Review - Affiliate Program Search Tool

Here are some snapshots of Affiliate programs by commission and trust rating

High Commission Examples

Wealthy Affiliate Review - Examples Of High Commission Affiliate Programs Found By Using The Affiliate Program Search Tool

High Percentage Examples

Wealthy Affiliate Review - Example Of High Percentage Affiliate Programs Found Using The Affiliate Program Search Tool

Top Rated Examples

Wealthy Affiliate Review - Examples Of Top Rated Affiliate Programs Found Using The Affiliate Program Search Tool

Easily Build, Manage And Grow Your Own WordPress Websites
ith The Wealthy Affiliate SiteRubix Platform

Wealthy Affiliate Review - SiteRubix, The Most Powerful Website Platform In The World

Wealthy Affiliate 100% understands that your website and your online business are one and the same, and they know how vitally important it is to have the most advanced technology to keep your business fully operational 24/7.

SiteRubix is Wealthy Affiliate’s own platform for building, managing and hosting WordPress websites and it is fully Mobile friendly. This is vitally important to you as an affiliate / blogger as most web surfing is done on the go nowadays and desktop computers are rapidly becoming a bit of a relic.

  • As a Starter Member, you will get 1 free website on a free SiteRubix.com domain.
  • As a Premium Member, you will get 3 websites within the cost of your membership, either on domains that you own or on free SiteRubix.com domains
  • As A Premium Plus Member, you will get 10 websites either on your own or SiteRubix domains.
  • If you upgrade your Membership within 7 days, you will get an extra website on your own domain.

There are so many advanced and exciting features available with SiteRubix that to list them all here would take up too much of your time right now, but in a nutshell, SiteRubix allows you to:

  • Register your own domains ‘in house’ at less cost than with other providers.
  • Build a WordPress website in under a minute on any of over 3000 WordPress themes without any of the complex HTML programming skill and technical know-how needed in years gone by.
  • Create content within Wealthy Affiliate’s own bespoke Content Writer tool.
  • Have access to over 800,000 royalty free, fully optimized images.
  • Manage your website 24/7.
  • Host your website ‘in house’ for free.

Wealthy Affiliate Review - A Domain Experience Has Never Been So Seemless

Some features contained within SiteRubix for both Free and Premium Members are listed below:

  • Site Builder
  • Site Content
  • Site Domains
  • Site Manager

As a Premium or Premium Plus Member, you will also have available to you a number of exclusive SiteRubix technologies to make your website secure and safe from hackers and spammers, and also lightening fast.

  • Site Speed
  • Site Protect
  • Site SSL
  • Site Comment
  • Site Feedback
  • Site Support

Wealthy Affiliate Review - 24/7 Website Support

With SiteRubix You Get The Best Managed WordPress Website Hosting –
are To Compare!

  • Wealthy Affiliate (PREMIUM PLUS MEMBERS) = 10 Websites = $58.08 per month
  • Kinsta = 10 Websites = $200 per month
  • Pagely = 5 Websites = $199 per month
  • WPEngine = 10 Websites = $115 per month

No Brainer really, isn’t it!

Wealthy Affiliate specializes in providing you with a fast, robust and secure platform to run you website and the powerful hosting you have access to is unparalleled in the managed WordPress hosting industry.

Premium and Premium Plus Members have access to managed and automated monitoring, 24/7/365 site support, virus and malware protection and the most powerful servers out there – the equivalent of external hosting packages that would normally come in at $250-300 per website per year!

So there you have a brief(ish!) overview of the SiteRubix platform and your site will be fully up and running in a few quick, simple steps.

As we help you move forward with your training, you will be building out your website content and learning how to get it indexed and ranked in the Search Engines for free, which will save you a fortune in paid advertising!

Find What Your Audience Is Looking For With The Revolutionary 
Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool

Knowing what your audience is looking for when they go to the Search Engine is crucial to you being able to help them to find the solution to the problem they’re trying to solve – because that solution will be your affiliated product or service.

Wealthy Affiliate Review - Get Your Keywords On The Front Page Of Google With Jaaxy, Wealthy Affiliate's In House Keyword Research Tool

Having a tool enables you to zero in on what ‘keyword’ phrases people are typing into Google – which will then bring up your blog post with that matching keyword in it right up in front of their very eyes – is a win-win for everybody. It’s how and why you get paid!

That is the process of ‘Keyword Research’.

So let me give you a quick overview of the Jaaxy Keyword Research tool that Wealthy Affiliate uses.

Jaaxy is so incredibly functional, it is known as the ‘Swiss Army Knife’ of keyword research tools! Her are just some of the awesome features of Jaaxy.

If this is all new to you, don’t worry if the terminology looks a bit like ‘Double-Dutch’ for now. You’ll get to learn what it all means inside the training and it’s far simpler than it sounds!

  • Finds keyword search volume.
  • Shows potential traffic volume.
  • Determines the difficulty of the competition.
  • Finds related keyword data, effectively making it a keyword DISCOVERY tool.
  • Alphabet Soup function, which throws up an A-Z of related keywords.
  • Search Engine Results Page (SERP) analysis.
  • Site rank check.
  • Domain availability.
  • Affiliate program checker.
  • Auto rank tracking.
  • Keyword rank checker.
  • Keyword brainstorm tool linked to Google Trends – great for finding keywords related to hot topics.
  • Keyword list facility, where you can store all you researched high quality keywords.

Jaaxy Membership Levels

There are different membership levels of Jaaxy and some are included with Wealthy Affiliate membership.

  • ‘LITE’ – ($19/month value) is included with Premium Membership.
  • ‘ENTERPRISE’ – ($99/month value) is included with Premium Plus Membership. 

There is lots of quality training on Keyword Research and how to use Jaaxy effectively inside Wealthy Affiliate and so long as you create regular content it won’t be long before your websites are on the front page of Google getting you sales.

Wealthy Affiliate Support
Round The Clock From Within A Caring Community

Wealthy Affiliate’s greatest asset is its Community – your fellow Members from all walks of life and educational backgrounds who all started out the same way as you – from scratch!

Wealthy Affiliate Review - The Support Available Within The Community Between Members
One of the biggest frustrations I had with other programs I’d been in was having nobody to ask for help when I was stuck. Here, that help is right there around the clock!

Wealthy Affiliate prides itself on the quality of support it provides to it’s Members from both the Corporate Team and the Community.

  • 24/7 Live Chat forum within the Community – unlimited for all Membership levels.
  • 24/7 Technical Support with an average 5-minute response time (Premium & Premium Plus Members).

Many of the Ambassadors in Wealthy Affiliate (the highest ranking Members) have years of experience and are happy to share the knowledge they’ve acquired and give back the support they had in their early days. This ‘pay it forward’ spirit within the Community is what makes Wealthy Affiliate both special and unique in the online marketing World and both Kyle and Carson spend much of their time in the Community helping out people in real time.

How You Earn Money With Wealthy Affiliate

There are 2 main ways to earn money as a member of Wealthy Affiliate, whether you are Free or Premium.

  1. The Retailer who’s affiliate program you are part of pays you a percentage commission on every sale that comes to them via your blog. They will give you a unique affiliate link so that they know the sale came from you. These commissions are completely separate from Wealthy Affiliate.
  2. If you are promoting Wealthy Affiliate, you will earn a commission on everyone who joins as a Premium Member via your affiliate link or who upgrades from Free to Premium further on down the line. As a Free Starter Member your commission will be 24% of their joining fee and all their subsequent renewals. If you are a Premium Member yourself, your commission increases to 48%.

Yes, You Read That Right….
Wealthy Affiliate Pay Commissions To Their Free Members!

While there are programs out there which also offer free membership, there are very few which pay direct commissions to their free members. Wealthy Affiliate does.

Wealthy Affiliate Review - Commissions For Premium Re-curring Referrals

Wealthy Affiliate Review - Commissions For Premium Plus Recurring Memberships

Other ways that Premium & Premium Plus Members can earn additional internal income within Wealthy Affiliate are:

  1. Creating Community Training – There are lots of opportunities in Wealthy Affiliate, once you’ve got some experience, to share knowledge you’ve gained outside the OEC or the Affiliate Bootcamp courses. For example, you’ve found a great affiliate program and you decide to produce a tutorial on how it works and share it with the Community. This will earn you an initial $5 in credits and there are further financial incentives down the line.
  2. Site Comments & Feedback – Wealthy Affiliate allows it’s members to request comments and feedback on their websites and to offer the same in return. Each comment and feedback given earns you a 50 Cents Community Credit which you can use towards Domain purchases. It is NOT a cash payment.

    You Can Earn While You Learn With Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate Review - Earn While You Learn With Wealthy Affiliate Training, It's The New Normal

In the early days, while you are building your websites and waiting for your content to rank in the search engines and generate affiliate commissions, there are ways to use the knowledge and skill you will have built up to that point to generate a decent offline income. Here are a few ways you could do it:

  • Become a freelance writer
  • Build and manage websites for local small businesses.
  • Advise local businesses on SEO, social media marketing, analytics, etc.

And that’s but a few. You will have the advantage here over other webmasters working for local businesses. Wealthy Affiliate doesn’t just teach you the techie stuff, it teaches you marketing – how to write content that sells stuff and earns you and you clients money. It is a platform built by marketers for marketers.

Wealthy Affiliate Success Stories
Some Member Testimonials From
Real People Earning Real Money

Anis from Italy, a semi-professional footballer in his mid-20’s who swopped student debt for a healthy Wealthy Affiliate income!

Wealthy Affiliate Review - Testimonial By Annis Chity, A Semi-Professional Footballer From Italy, Tells How He Earned $854 In 3 Days With Wealthy Affiliate


Jane from Lesotho, a small ‘bricks & mortar’ business owner turned successful Affiliate Marketer

Wealthy Affiliate Review - Member Testimonial. Jane Mahelele, A Bricks & Mortar Business Owner From Lesotho, Tells Of Her First Ever Wealthy Affiliate Commission Of $609.

Martine from Adelaide, a teacher who made $171.85 in a single day just 3 months in!

Wealthy Affiliate Review - Member Testimonial. Martine B, A Teacher From Adelaide Earned A $171 Commission Just 3 Months Into Her Membership

Nethaniell started affiliate marketing ‘on the go’ while travelling in China and earned himself a $12k Christmas Bonus!

Wealthy Affiliate Review - Member Testimonial. Nethaniell Joined Wealthy Affiliate 'on the go' while travelling in China, and earned $12000 over Christmas!

As you can see, they’re quite a diverse bunch of people – no different from you or me. They do have 3 little things in common though.

  1. They weren’t happy with how things were, so they decided to make some changes in their lives.
  2. They all started out from scratch and achieved what they did through persistent and consistent effort and following a simple system.
  3. They’ll all look you straight in the eye and tell you ‘If I can do it, then so can you!’

Wealthy Affiliate Review - Silhouette Of A Man Stood On The Summit Of A Mountain Looking Down At The View As A Metaphorical Representation Of Success Within Wealthy Affiliate

Meet Me And The Leaders In Las Vegas In 2024 All Expenses Paid!

Every year, Wealthy Affiliate send their top performing Members on a luxury, all expenses paid trip to Las Vegas on their 4 day Super Affiliate Conference.

Wealthy Affiliate Review - Members' Qualification Criteria To Attend The Annual All Expenses Paid Super Affiliate Conference In Las Vegas
Business is discussed during the day in an informal, fully catered ’round table’ setting all geared around improving the Wealthy Affiliate user experience.

Wealthy Affiliate Review - Las Vegas Super Affiliate Conference Setting

But its not all work and no play as this picture of some of our previous years happy qualifiers shows!

The evenings are packed with entertainment from shows, the casinos, craft beer and wine tasting, golf, bowling, etc, and not only is it all paid for, but you get spending money too!

Wealthy Affiliate Review - Las Vegas Super Affiliate Conference Qualifiers Enjoying A Night Out
To qualify, all you need to do is enroll a minimum of 300 new Premium Members between 1st January and 31st December, and on New Year’s Day the clock goes back to zero! This applies to all who qualify, not a limited number of spaces.

There is still time for YOU to join us in Vegas in 2024 – will you be there?

The Awesome Benefits Of Wealthy Affiliate Premium / Premium Plus Memberships

After I’d seen how good just the Free Wealthy Affiliate membership was, I could see the enormous value of Premium Membership and it was a no-brainer to upgrade, which I did in my first week.

IMPORTANT (again….seriously….?)

Yes…because it’s YOUR money! I would advize upgrading to Premium initially, doing the OEC and / or Bootcamp trainings – or both if you wish – and taking the weekly classes during that time before upgrading to Premium Plus, so as to avoid both overload and overspend. That’s just my opinion, and it’s entirely up to you.

I will be offering you some extra awesome BONUSES of my own as well!

Let me just remind you here that there is no obligation with Free Membership and you don’t ever need to upgrade if you don’t want to, but there are so many advantages to doing so and it’s such great value for money that I’m sure you’ll want to do so. To see the wealth of additional benefits of Premium Membership, take a peek inside.

Premium comes in at just $49 a month ($588 over the year) and Premium Plus at $99 a month ($1188 over the year).

For even better value for money, the Annual Memberships reduce those to $497 (saving you $91) for Premium and $697 (saving you $491) for Premium Plus!

You can switch to annual membership from monthly at any time. You don’t have to do this straight away, or even at all, if you’re unable or don’t wish to commit to a full year’s membership.

And don’t forget – You will get that extra Website if you upgrade within your first 7 days. That’s an ADDITIONAL INCOME STREAM for you!

Wealthy Affiliate Review - Wealthy Affiliate Gives You All You Need To Build A Successful Online Business. All It Takes Is Effort From You.

Remember, this is a BUSINESS, and when you compare it to the cost of a franchise ($60,000 equivalent here in the UK), it is an absolute bargain when you consider what it can give you without all the headaches associated with running a conventional ‘bricks and mortar’ business.

When I first started out, I looked at it this way:

$49 Monthly membership (a total investment of $588 over the year) breaks down to $1.61 a day, or $11 and a few Cents a week which is roughly £8.50  here in the UK at the time of writing.

I asked myself what personal and non-essential luxuries could I sacrifice over the week to save the money to fund my own income producing asset which would pay me as much as I was prepared to work for 24/7 for life on autopilot?

Well, here’s what £8.50 will buy on this side of the Atlantic in 2023:

  • Around 11 or 12 cigarettes out of a pack of 20 (I’m a non-smoker by the way, This is purely illustrative!)
  • 2 pints of beer down the pub, or 1 pint and a glass of wine if I take my Wife with me!
  • A bacon sandwich and a mug of tea at one of the cheaper cafes in town twice a week or….
  • A cappuccino and a blueberry muffin at Starbucks if I’m feeling ‘posh’ and its on special offer!

Upgrading is purely optional. You will never be pressured by any of those annoying up sells which feature in many of the other programs which are out there.

Just To Re-cap

Wealthy Affiliate (Niche Marketing Inc.)
Address: Box 18 2354 Millstream Road, Victoria, British Colombia, Canada, VB9 6L2
Owners: Kyle Loudon and Carson Lim
Year Founded: 2005
Membership: Over 2.5 million Worldwide
Website URL: www.wealthyaffiliate.com
Training: 9.5
Support: 10
Website Building Platform: 9.5
Wordpress Hosting: 10
Research Tools: 9.5
Success Stories: 9.5
Membership Price:
Starter Membership: FREE
Premium Membership: Monthly US$49 per month / Annual: $497 ($91 saving)
Premium Plus Membership: Monthly US$99 / Annual $697 ($491 saving)
My Over All Rating: 9.5/10 –  OUTSTANDING!

My Final Word And Awesome BONUS!

Wealthy Affiliate Review - 3 Simple Rules For Success
Well, I went on a bit longer than I expected to there, folks, but there is so much exciting stuff going on here at Wealthy Affiliate that I just got a little carried away! Wealthy Affiliate is without a shadow of a doubt the most innovative, forward thinking, cost-effective and inclusive online marketing training and business building platform out there.

Instead of just taking my word for it, find out for yourself and join the Starter at 0$.

When you do, I guarantee that I will contact you within 1 hour. All I ask in return is that once you’re inside you do set your Free Account up. It’s simple to do and you will be walked through it all anyway.

You’ve got nothing to lose and so much to gain and in the unlikely event you don’t like it, you can come back to this site and bend my ear – seriously!

How You Claim Your Wealthy Affiliate Membership Bonuses

When you claim your Free Starter Account, I am going to offer you some AWESOME BONUSES if you upgrade to Premium in your first 7 days.

I will be personally contacting you to welcome you on board and to give you some more information about Wealthy Affiliate, how to get help from me and from within the Community as well as how to claim your bonuses.

Trust me, it’s going to be amazing!

So to wrap up, thank you once again for visiting my site and taking the time to read this review which I hope you found both informative and inspirational. If you have read all the way to the end, you have proved that you have the right mindset to create the profound and positive change in you life that Wealthy Affiliate allows you to do.

Please, if you have any questions at all or if you think of something you feel I may not have covered here, do not hesitate to pop them below and I will do my best to come back to you within 24 hours. I would also love to get some feedback from any current or former members of Wealthy Affiliate who may be reading this.

I look forward to welcoming you on board when you set up your FREE STARTER ACCOUNT.

Your friend and mentor



Wealthy Affiliate






Overall Value



  • Free Membership Option No Time Limit
  • Great Commissions
  • Zero Upsells


  • Members Forum Can Be Distracting
  • Possible Information Overload
  • Member Generated Training Can Be Misleading. Stick To The WA Courses.

14 thoughts on “Wealthy Affiliate Review”

  1. Hey I have heard little about the Wealthy Affiliate from a friend, having stumbled into this article, I now have a better perspective of it, indeed it seems to be a unique platform with relevant tools one needs to build an effective and long lasting online businesses and website and a good place for ‘newbies’. 

    I think I need to belong to this community.

  2. So far, I have been with Wealthy Affiliate for a week and a half. I went as a Premium Member after just 3 days because I see the value in there, and this comes from my experience as a media buyer for a company that does a lot of affiliate marketing. I wished I have done this back then in 2005 when it started, instead of going to college.

    • Great to see you’re having such a positive experience at Wealthy Affiliate, Juan, and well done on upgrading to Premium so quickly.
      Looks like you saw the potential straight away so you’re mindset is right from Day 1!
      I also wish I’d found Wealthy Affiliate years ago and also wish I’d written this post a week earlier as you might just have joined with me!

  3. By your review here, it looks like Wealthy Affiliate is now the world’s unrivaled online business training platform, that even those popular platforms like Clickbank University can’t provide what Wealthy Affiliate is providing like access to website building tools while you’re undergoing your training. 

    There’s just one thing that puzzles me and maybe I can have the answer by asking you or by getting inside as a new member.

    You said in one of the cons here that sheer volume of information can appear a little bit overwhelming for newbies. Are they not designing their training in a manner in which a beginner won’t be able to access a more advanced section unless he finish first the prerequisite lessons so he will be able to unlock the succeeding lessons?

    • Hi Gomer

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Great question. Free Starter members get access to the first 2 modules of each course, but someone can join as a Premium member from Day 1 and have access to all the information inside Wealthy Affiliate with no prior knowledge or experience.

      The first 2 modules available to Free Starter Members are entry level and give the newbie good foundational knowledge and in the first 7 days they still have Premium level access to everything inside the system.

      It’s really down to new members – be they Starter or Premium – to focus on the training rather than get themselves ‘sucked in’ to the level of interaction and the sheer volume of information available within the Community. 

      Thinking ‘OMG, have I got to learn all that?’ was a mistake in my early days and it took me a lot longer to get stuck in to the training as a result as a result of unnecessary and entirely self-imposed ‘panic’ if that’s not too strong a word. 

      That’s not so much a criticism of Wealthy Affiliate as a bit of self-critical take which many people who’ve progressed through the training and built great online businesses can also attest to themselves. Apologies if I gave a slightly mis-leading impression there. 

      An experienced Community member summed it up for me in a way I found very re-assuring ‘You can’t eat an elephant all at once, but you can do it in bite sized chunks’. That’s stayed with me ever since!



  4. This is a very good Wealthy Affiliate review.

    I would agree that when it comes to Affiliate marketing and building websites Wealthy Affiliate has the best training on there. This community has many success stories to prove that their training really does works and I would encourage persons to give Wealthy Affiliate a try and see for themselves.

    I wish you all the Best!

    • Hey Rajko

      Thanks for taking time out to comment.

      I’ve been in a few other programs and I have to agree with you. 

      Just wondering what other programs have you been involved with and in what ways would you say Wealthy Affiliate improves on them?

      It’d be great to hear of your experiences.

      Wishing you the best back, buddy 🙂



  5. Hello Rich, wow what wonderful content you have here.

    I was actually doing some research online when I saw your post online, thanks for sharing such amazing concise information with us all. It’s been very useful for me!

    I’ve bookmarked this post so as to come back for future reference, thanks for the info!

    • You’re very welcome and thanks for such a positive comment!

      Great to know that you’ve bookmarked my review and I look forward to welcoming you into Wealthy Affiliate when you’re ready to join us. There’s no rush. The timing has to be right for you but I promise you won’t regret it!

  6. Like almost everybody now, I am also looking for ways to make some extra cash from home.

    I liked it when you showed and explained the training, resources, and support one gets when enrolled in Wealthy Affiliate.

    Another thing that overwhelmed me was learning that I can start for free. I must confess I believed that most of the affiliate programs and courses were scams and that it would take me years and an arm and a leg!

    • Hi Joao

      It was the ability to ‘try before you buy’ that appealed to me as well. Even better, is that there is no time limit to free starter membership. You never have to get your credit card out if you don’t want!

      I very quickly saw the enourmous benefits of Premium membership though, and I upgraded within my first week to take advantage of the half-price first month offer. I went Annual very soon afterwards as well, saving myself even more money!

      There are a lot of scams out there as you correctly say, and I’ve been suckered into a few of them too. Even some of the genuine programs out there aren’t that great. Wealthy Affiliate is by far and away the best in terms of both quality and value for money that I’ve come across.

      Looking forward to meeting you on the inside and wishing you much success, my friend 🙂

  7. I got to know about Wealthy Affiliate while searching for ways to make money online. 

    I read some mixed comments about it and wanted to read a full tried and tested review like this one which has answered all my questions. 

    Wealthy Affiliate seems to be a very good option for new businesses especially with great pricing for the training and the website hosting packages. The pros and cons that are mentioned in such an elaborate manner really help to form an opinion about Wealth Affiliate. 

    I think I am going to give it a try. Thanks for sharing such a good and complete review, Richard.

    • I’m really glad you found the review of benefit, Samantha.

      I’ve tried to include everything I could possibly think of based on my own experiences as a Premium members without being biased. This is why I put so much effort into the pros and cons. I think people need to know everything before they can make a properly informed decision as to whether Wealthy Affiliate is right for them or not.

      You’re right about the hosting package. I’d challenge anyone to come up with a package that comes anywhere near it for value, especially with all the high quality training as well.


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