About Richard Brennan

Welcome to my Website

Hi – my name is Richard Brennan and I’m the Owner of WorkFromYourCell.online

I’d like to share with you my experiences which led me on a rather bumpy 17 year journey from dis-contented employee to happy online entrepreneur and business owner.

I promise you this is not another one of those cheesy ‘rags-to-riches’ stories you see so much of!

My Background

I’m a proud Husband and Dad of two young boys and I come originally from a military background, following in the footsteps of my Dad and joining the Armed Forces at the age of 18. I stayed there for 15 years, seeing quite a bit of the World.

When I returned to civilian life, I ventured into the Telecomms industry for about 18 months before the bubble burst in the early 2000s. Then, finding myself ‘in between jobs’, I took the opportunity to go offshore sailing in Australia where I qualified as a yacht skipper.

When I returned home I ended up drifting between jobs, working long hours for lousy pay as a security guard, cleaning holiday chalets, labouring on building sites, knocking on doors as a charity fund-raiser and washing up in restaurant kitchens.

A life of Sundowners on the quarterdeck of some millionaire’s yacht I’d be skippering was not to be, since I was by now engaged to be married!

I disliked the corporate world intensely, with it’s office politics, dog-eat-dog culture and stifling political correctness, and I ended up re-enlisting for 18 months as a full-time military reservist.

After hanging up my uniform for the second time, I decided that self-employment was the way forward for me, but I didn’t have a clue where to start.

About Richard Brennan - Analogy Of Richard Journey From Discontented Employee To Happy Entrepreneur

After making every mistake in the book (as well as inventing a few of my own!), I ended up crashing and burning with a mountain of debt, just like a great many business ‘newbies’ who don’t have sales skills or the ‘gift of the gab’.

It was a huge emotional roller-coaster ride, but I did learn some valuable lessons along the way, and I remained steadfastly determined to succeed and make my own way in life rather than resign myself to being somebody else’s wage slave until my still distant retirement.

I realized I needed MENTORS and I set about looking for ways to work from home online, and of studying those who were already doing it successfully.

I’d heard of this thing called the ‘Laptop Lifestyle’ and I wanted a bit of it for myself and my family. Hence the name of this website – ‘Cell’ meaning your Mobile Phone or device.

Think of it as a means to free yourself from that dreaded 9 to 5 prison cell!

Anyway, after having fallen for a couple of scams and not being particularly inspired by some of the genuine programs I’d joined, I started to look around for something I could try out for free to test the water before committing, which is how I came across an innovative, step by step educational program where I could learn all about branding myself online completely from scratch.

You can link to my full review very soon at the end of this page, just stick around until then!

My eyes were opened and I got excited! I saw a structured and relevant online training program which was broken up into simple to follow modules geared around teaching people with no prior experience how to monetize their own interests and passions on the Internet.

I could see that it gave me the opportunity to not only learn how to build multiple streams of passive income for myself and my family, but to also be able to help other people to do the same for themselves.

The training is World class and the willingness of the more experienced Members to share tips, information and encouragement was a real eye-opener for me and something I’d never experienced in any of the other online training programs I’d joined and subsequently left.

I saw that I could immediately call upon support from within a pro-active Community of like-minded people who had all started out from scratch, like myself.

At last, I had found a 100% legit work from home business!

A 100% Legit Glass Ceiling Opportunity For People Like Me And YOU!

About Richard Brennan - 3 Simple Rules For Success

I cannot describe how reassuring it was for me to know that by joining this amazing training program I was now genuinely in business for myself but NOT by myself and the only limits anyone has are the ones they set themselves.

My Commitment To You When You Join With Me

The most important thing I learned during my military service was Leadership – a hugely different kettle of fish from management.

  • A Manager says ‘You go and do it’. A Leader says ‘Let’s go and do it’.
  • A Leader sets the right example.
  • A Leader commands respect by treating his or her followers with respect and never gets anyone to do something he or she has not already done or would not be prepared to do.
  • A Leader gives support and shows the way.

Everybody has their own individual take on success, and I give you my absolute word that I will work with you to help you to achieve the level of success that you desire, whatever that may be, just like my fellow Leaders in this amazing Community have done and are still doing for me and thousands of others like you and me.

The Goal Of This Website

The goal of this website is to provide you with detailed and unbiased information about the Online Affiliate Marketing space, to help you to make an informed decision as to whether or not it is right for you.

I aim to give you informative and unbiased reviews of products, programs and services, show you what resources you have available, and give you a few little ‘vitamins for the mind’ as well!

Please stick around a while and browse through the content on this site, as I want you to be armed with as much knowledge as possible before you commit.

You can even try before you buy and you can remain a free member for as long as you like.

Read my Review and give it a go FOR FREE and you too can join the ranks of the World’s most accomplished and professional internet marketers!

I hope you’ll find it all interesting, informative and, above all, inspirational.

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

All the best in whatever you decide to do.

Richard Brennan


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